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Engage in an interdisciplinary study of E艺术h’s environment and humankind’s interaction with it. 超越自然科学, students examine the environment from perspectives of biology, 地球科学, 社会学, 城市研究, 艺术, 人文学科. 的 major complements a variety of interdisciplinary majors and minors.

  • Study abroad includes faculty-led programs in Costa Rica and 中国.
  • Environmental studies internships are available in city and state government entities and at local volunteer organizations, 公共机构, 私人公司
  • Utilize a wide range of research opportunities with professors, with many students presenting their research at regional and national academic conferences and at student ACS conferences.
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Professor and students taking measurements in canyon



View the environment from scientific, economic, and sociocultural perspectives.


Accessible, interdisciplinary leaders in their fields

教师 span multiple disciplines, giving students the chance to address environmental problems using an interdisciplinary lens. 教师 lead small classes and act as accessible mentors, while also working with students to conduct meaningful research in the field.

" "
Lecturer, 环境研究 项目负责人, English
Associate Professor, English
headshot of Amy Foshee Holmes_2022
Associate Professor, Accounting
Associate 教授,地质
photo headshot of Shannon Mariotti
Professor of 政治科学, 政治科学
詹妮弗·P. 马修斯
詹妮弗·P. 马修斯,Ph值.D.
Professor, 社会学 and Anthropology
Associate Professor, 经济学
理查德·K. 里德
理查德·K. 芦苇,Ph值.D.
Professor, 社会学 and Anthropology
迪恩:D. R. Semmes School of Science, 生物学教授,
教师 Headshot for Heather Sullivan
Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Professor, Art and Art 历史


探索 and interact with the natural world


Undergraduates expand their learning beyond campus, gaining real-world experience in actual professional settings in 圣安东尼奥 and nationwide. ALE places students in year-round internships in a variety of leading 艺术 organizations, 政府办公室, 环保非营利组织, 以及社会服务. 

Students can p艺术icipate in fully-paid, 10-week internships in 圣安东尼奥, complete with optional on-campus housing, 对很多公司来说, 政府机构, 非营利组织.

Students serve as interns for various scientific, 政府, 社会机构, 艺术, or nonprofit organizations throughout the fall or spring semesters.


Hixon 环境研究 奖学金 are awarded to students interested in the environment to take courses or undertake environmental studies research.


Environmental studies majors have a wide range of research opportunities with professors, with many students presenting their research at regional and national academic conferences and at student ACS conferences.

Hixon Summer 研究 Fellowship

Students propose an interdisciplinary research project that can range from field work to studying food sustainability in 圣安东尼奥. 教师 sponsor and support these student-proposed projects.


Students in the 哥斯达黎加生态计划 will spend a month surveying and sampling a variety of mammals while studying the physical and cultural differences of the country from sea level rainforests to high elevation cloud forests.

Ecology and Bioconservation of 中国
赌博平台网站大全 has p艺术nered with United International College (UIC) of Zhuhai, 中国, to offer a specialized 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 出国留学 course “的 Ecology and Bioconservation of 中国.” This course brings together faculty and students from both universities in a unique, interdisciplinary learning community in several spectacular regions of 中国. 的 course is led by environmental studies faculty and taught in English. 

赌博娱乐平台网址大全的CIE提供 实地研究学院, where students can study environments in Africa, South America, and all over the world.

Service-Learning Opportunities

Environmental studies internships are available in city and state government entities and at local volunteer organizations, 公共机构, 私人公司, such as the 圣安东尼奥 River Authority, 塞拉俱乐部, 爱德华兹含水层管理局, and 圣安东尼奥 Parks and Recreation Dep艺术ment, Mitchell Lake Audubon Center, 的 圣安东尼奥 Water System, TCEQ, GEAA, the Texas Nature Conservancy, 君主节, 和更多的.

Students also have opportunities to serve on campus-wide committees,包括 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s sustainability committee and the sustainability living-learning hall.


的 Center for the Sciences and Innovation (CSI)
综合300,000-square-foot science and engineering complex, complete with a rooftop observatory, a living “green” roof and rooftop greenhouse, and an open-air innovation and design studio.

圣赌博平台网站大全 Community Garden 
的 community garden is student-managed, but receives support from the entire community. 除了志愿服务, students may also register for a student-led course centered around community gardening. 

圣安东尼奥’s green, urban ecosystem
Being in the middle of a vibrant urban setting, there are ample opportunities to study urban ecology first-hand in the many parks, 河流, and green spaces across the city.


Eco Allies is 圣赌博平台网站大全's student organization dedicated to sustainability on campus and in the local community. 的y put on many events throughout the year and encourage sustainability and recycling on campus. 的y also coordinate sustainability-related volunteer opportunities in the 圣安东尼奥 area.

赌博娱乐平台网址大全蜜蜂联盟 is a student organization that maintains on-campus hives and promotes awareness about the importance of honeybees.

Lecture Series and Annual Events

每年4月, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 celebrates 地球周 with both educational activities and ways to help out the local environment. This includes events such as an office supply exchange, 零浪费的体育赛事, and the encouragement of using reusable food service ware, 鼓励减少废物.

Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series
的 圣赌博平台网站大全 Distinguished Scientists Lecture Series is made possible through an endowment gift from the Walter F. 圣安东尼奥的布朗家族. 的 lecture brings pioneering U.S. and international scientists to 赌博娱乐平台网址大全.



赌博平台网站大全 is a proud member of the following organizations: 

  • AASHE - Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 
  • CURC - College and University Recycling Coalition 
  • STAR - State of Texas Alliance for Recycling
  • TRACS - Texas Regional Alliance for Campus Sustainability 
  • Usgbc - u.S. 绿色建筑委员会



Graduates leave 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 with versatile knowledge stemming from the humanities, 社会分析, 自然科学. 的y pursue nonprofit service or work, 私营企业职业, influential positions in policy making, as well as law or graduate degrees.


赌博娱乐平台网址大全 graduates have launched careers in academics, nonprofit public interest groups, 私营企业, and state and local policy making.

研究生院s or Programs:

  • E艺术h and 环境研究
  • 生态与进化
  • 地质
  • 环境政策
  • 环境科学
  • 法学院
  • 自然科学
  • 社会学


  • 环境工程师
  • 政策分析
  • 可持续发展专业

Notable Companies who have Hired 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 Graduates:

  • Greater 爱德华兹含水层管理局
  • 美国国家海洋和大气管理局
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
  • VIA都市交通



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