环境研究 is an interdisciplinary major that focuses on the environment and humans’ relationship with it. The program incorporates a variety of approaches in the arts and humanities, 自然科学, 社会分析, 以及社会政策. Students may choose an 环境研究 major to explore the environment from a scientific perspective or to prepare for a career in one of the many fields that seek to monitor, 形状, or interpret our relationship with it. 环境研究 majors have extensive interaction with the natural world in research, 类项目, 和实习.

需求 for the major

The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in 环境研究 are at least 42 credit hours,包括 at least 18 upper division credit hours, 如下:

 I. The Introductory Course (3 credit hours)
环境- 1301Introduction to 环境研究
 II. Fundamentals (13-15 credit hours)

In addition to the Introductory Course, the Fundamentals provide foundational knowledge and skills for students engaged in 环境研究. Students must take at least one course from each of the categories below.

A. 环境科学

杂志- 1311年 综合生物学 (with 杂志- 1111年 生物导论实验室)
geos - 1409Earth's Environmental Systems

B. 环境政策 

尖刺外壳- 2357Humans and the Environment
经济学- 1311Principles of Microeconomics

 C. Environmental Arts and Humanities 

菲尔- 1350环境伦理学
cmlt - 2350Science Fiction and the Environment

 D. 定量技能 

数学- 1320统计方法或
geos - 3408地理信息系统与遥感 or 
市区- 3465/的社会- 3465研究方法:GIS
 3. 环境科学 core (11-12 credit hours)

Take at least 3 of the following:

杂志- 2312年细胞与细胞系统 (with 杂志- 2112年 细胞与细胞系统 Lab)
杂志- 3413年Genes, Phenotypes, and 进化ary Dynamics
杂志- 3434年生态
杂志- 3435年进化
杂志- 4351年保护生物学 
化学- 2319有机化学I (with 化学- 2119 Laboratory Methods in Organic Chemistry)
geos - 2400固体地球过程
geos - 2402地表过程 
geos - 3310全球气候变化
geos - 3411水文地质 
geos - 3421Environmental Geochemistry
IV. 环境政策 core (6 credit hours)

Take at least 2 of the following:

尖刺外壳- 3345International Issues in Health and the Environment (also listed as 的社会- 3345)
尖刺外壳- 3402环境种族主义 (also listed as 的社会- 3402)
busn - 3314可持续性 and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Global Concern
经济学- 3430Economics and the Environment (also listed as 市区- 3430)
经济学- 3334城市经济学 (also listed as 市区- 3334)
plsi - 3413 Policy Analysis and the Policymaking Process
plsi - 3464Environmental Political Theory
的社会- 3345International Issues in Health and the Environment (also listed as 尖刺外壳- 3345)
的社会- 3402环境种族主义 (also listed as 尖刺外壳- 3402)
的社会- 3440城市地理 (also listed as 市区- 3440)
市区- 3430Economics and the Environment (also listed as ECON-3430)
市区- 3334城市经济学 (also listed as 经济学- 3334)
市区- 3440城市地理 (also listed as 的社会- 3440)
V. Environmental Humanities and Arts core (6 credit hours)

Take at least 2 of the following:

艺术- 2495户外工作室
cmlt - 2301World Literature and the Environment
通讯- 3323Environmental Communication in Asia
嘘- 3465Indigenous Environmental History
建造- 3410自然环境 and 幸福 (also listed as 环境- 3410)
环境- 3301环境文学 
环境- 3410自然环境 and 幸福 (also listed as 建造- 3410)
可靠性- 2312Religion and the Environment
VI. 除了三位一体 

Although not required for the major, students are encouraged to engage in off-campus internship opportunities or to gain experience writing grants and fundraising to support environmental not-for-profit organizations.

ale - 3301格兰特写作 and 筹款
环境- 4395环境研究 Internship
 VI. Senior Seminar in 环境研究 (3 credit hours)
环境- 4301Senior Seminar in 环境研究 
 8. 大学要求

Completion of all other required elements of the Pathways curriculum and at least 120 credit hours.


环境研究 majors are eligible to receive Honors if they have completed two semesters of Senior Thesis credit and presented a senior thesis or project, which has been evaluated and approved by 环境研究 faculty. In addition, students must attain an overall 3.3 grade point average cumulatively and in the major. Prior to registration for their senior year, 环境研究 Honors candidates must meet with the 环境研究 program Director and arrange for the faculty thesis director and two additional faculty members to act as an Honors Advisory Committee. Students must submit to the program Director a written request to graduate with Honors in 环境研究 no later than the first full week of the student's final semester before graduation. The decision to confer or not to confer Honors will be made by the program Director, the Honors Committee and two additional faculty from the 环境研究 Committee, based on the quality of the written thesis or art work and the oral presentation of that material.



  格雷格·黑兹顿博士.D. (项目负责人)



From the 环境研究 Program.




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